
The benefits of arugula, your hair’s best friend

Les bienfaits de la roquette, meilleure amie de vos cheveux

We are talking more and more about arugula and its beneficial effects for the hair, and for the body in general. However, there is still a lot to say about this extraordinary plant, about which we do not know everything! Madame la Présidente zooms in on the benefits of arugula on hair, to find out how to make it an essential part of your hair routine!

benefits of arugula hair madame la presidente

What is arugula ?

Very often, we place arugula in the large family of salads (you know, the one that helps you lose weight when it replaces good little cream dishes or cakes rich in butter...!!!). However, arugula is much closer to radish or turnip tops. Moreover, it retains the “mustard” or even peppery taste!

Very famous in Antiquity for being an aphrodisiac (monks were forbidden to eat it!), arugula can reach a height of 50 cm if it is cultivated correctly in well-drained soil (we want the same growth for our hair) : it contains a lot of mineral salts and trace elements useful for the proper functioning of the body, and in particular for shiny hair!

Thus, food supplements with arugula extract provide your hair with the best of the plant.

But that's not all ! It’s also a slimming plant! Yes, because it is considered a diuretic, that is to say it promotes the elimination of excess water in your body! What more ?

The benefits of arugula extract on hair

Food supplements based on arugula oil or extract are very well known for promoting good hair health. And it’s not for nothing! Focus on the multiple benefits of arugula for hair.

benefits of arugula hair madame la presidente

Arugula: hair growth stimulator

Thanks to its great richness in antioxidants, folates and vitamins K and B9, arugula extract will restore vigor to your hair day after day and promote its growth. It will also nourish the hair fiber in depth to make it thicker and, above all, capable of resisting external aggressions. You will quickly notice an improvement in the shine and resistance of your hair!

Enjoy the “anti-breakage” benefits of arugula on your hair!

Arugula, in oil or as a food supplement, also provides an “anti-breakage” effect by strengthening the keratin contained in each fiber. This sheathing effect is a real bath of youth for the health and beauty of your hair.

A natural product that suits all hair types

As arugula extract is a natural product, there is no petrochemical contribution, therefore no risk of intolerance. It's a simple hair treatment that you can use without risk, whatever the nature of your hair! Whether frizzy or straight, curly or curly, arugula-based treatments will always have their place in your routine!

benefits of arugula hair madame la presidente

How to take full advantage of the benefits of arugula on hair?

First tip to enjoy the benefits of arugula on your hair: arugula oil! Rich in nutrients, it will sublimate them in no time! It's simple !

    • Apply your arugula oil, macerate or treatment based on arugula extract, and massage gently. Be careful, your fingers are not claws, do not attack your scalp. Really, very sweet! A delicate massage will also promote blood circulation and strengthen the anchoring of the hair bulb.

    • Don't forget: we apply from the roots to the ends, without forgetting the scalp (in this case, no more than an hour's break to avoid suffocating the latter).

    • Leave on for 30 minutes to 1 hour. You can cover your hair with a clean cloth or a heating cap for example, to retain the heat and benefit from all the benefits.

    • Finally, wash your hair normally with a mild shampoo!

The benefits of arugula on the body

No, the benefits of arugula cannot be applied to your hair! It is also very good for the functioning of the body. Thus, it strengthens the immune system, which will prevent you from accumulating repeated infections. It can also limit cholesterol levels: we see no reason to deprive ourselves of it!

In addition, the polyunsaturated fatty acids it contains help the heart stay healthy. Very nice too, let’s admit it! Many users also report very interesting effects in the treatment of rheumatic and joint pain.

If you suffer from anemia, or recurring ENT problems (nose, throat, sinuses or lungs), eat a lot of arugula! Its expectorant action will allow you to make coughs and bronchitis disappear!

Finally, we could not ignore the fact that it is particularly recommended during pregnancy. The vitamin B9 it contains is in fact known for its protective role on the fetus.

Please note , a little reminder: arugula oil, more precisely the oily macerate, should not be ingested but only used for external care.

benefits of arugula hair madame la presidente

The benefits of arugula on the skin: the essential beauty treatment

And the benefits of arugula don't stop there: do you want a peachy complexion? That’s what rocket is there for! If your skin is dry, massage it with organic arugula oil. The skin loves it! It deeply nourishes it and gives it suppleness and tone. Your skin texture will thus be softened and brighter!

Itches ? Massage your skin with a few drops of arugula oil: you will quickly benefit from its soothing and antiseptic effects. In short, once again, a joy! Of course, other oils can do good for your skin and hair, we have taken stock right here .

Cooking arugula to benefit from its benefits on hair

Finally, as always, we share with you two super simple recipes to make, which will please everyone!

Arugula, bacon and grilled chicken salad

Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 30 minutes. For 3 people:

What you need :

    • 4 slices of bacon

    • 3 good quality chicken cutlets

    • 1 sweet onion

    • 2 cloves garlic

    • 1 shallot

    • rocket

    • olive oil

    • balsamic vinegar

    • Honey

    • salt pepper

How to do it :

    • Cut your chicken into strips, then cook it in a pan with the two crushed garlic cloves and a drizzle of olive oil.

    • Brown the chopped shallots and onion in a little olive oil, and add the chicken strips and the bacon. Make everything crispy!

    • Finally, add a touch of caramelized honey, and give the final touch of pep by adding balsamic vinegar.

    • Place the arugula on plates and pour your preparation on top.

All you have to do is enjoy! The best way to restore vigor to your hair!

anti-fall arugula recipe salad sprout madame la presidente

Arugula, parmesan and tomato tart tatin

Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time: 30 minutes.

What you need :

    • 1 shortcrust pastry

    • 6 tomatoes

    • 30 g of parmesan

    • 100 g of arugula

    • Butter

    • Olive oil

    • Balsamic vinegar

    • Sugar, salt, pepper

How to do it :

    • Wash then cut your tomatoes into thick slices and brown them in a pan with a knob of butter and two tablespoons of olive oil. The fire must be quite high and cooking lasts on average 5 minutes. Don't forget to add salt and pepper!

    • Then add the balsamic vinegar and a pinch of sugar, then let everything stew for 5 minutes.

    • Preheat your oven to 180° and place your preparation on the base of shortcrust pastry that you have placed in a tart mold.

    • Cook everything for 25 to 30 minutes.

    • When the tart is cooked, remove it from the oven and add cut up rocket leaves and fresh parmesan shavings.

Enjoy... And your hair! The video recipe right here!

salted tomato tatin recipe hair growth arugula madame la presidente

There you are, you are a master of rocket science! Spring is coming, it will be time to consume it...And to abuse it! No time ? Not a fan of salad? Want more? We have the solution! You just need to take a cure: food supplements are there to make your life easier. Guaranteed results!

This is why Hair boost and Monsieur contain arugula extract. Growth, stopping hair loss, shine, volume: fabulous hair (and beard) in two gummies a day!

So, did you know all the benefits of arugula?
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