
Find care adapted to the porosity of your hair

Trouver des soins adaptés à la porosité de ses cheveux

Moisturize and nourish our hair according to its needs: the BA BA!

But did you know that the porosity of our hair tells us what type of care it needs?

In this article, we explain everything to you!

Porosity: what is it?

Hair porosity is its ability to absorb and retain moisture.

It can be either weak, normal or strong.

It all happens at the scales!

The more open they are, the higher the porosity of your hair will be,

Conversely when the scale is closed and rebellious!

How to recognize yours?

To do the test yourself and know the porosity of your hair, nothing could be simpler!

Fill a glass of water at room temperature,

Place a previously clean and dried section of hair

Don't pull your hair out! ?

After washing and drying them, comb your mane and collect some clean hair left on your brush (Less painful?)

Tadaaaaam the result is in!

  • Low porosity : Your hair remains on the surface.

You are one of the people who have hair that does not absorb water.

As a result, the products have difficulty penetrating your hair during the treatments you apply to them.

  • Normal porosity : lucky ones!

Your hair will flow and stagnate in the middle of the glass,

Luckily you have ideal porosity!

You can apply your usual care and your hair will be nourished As they wish

And they will say thank you!

  • Strong porosity : Your hair sinks to the bottom of the glass like a remake of the Titanic! Shipwreck?

Your scales being more open than normal will absorb the care you give them well.

But unfortunately your hair won't last long!

Nourish your hair according to its porosity

We are not going to leave you without the tips to adopt to remedy your porosity problem!

  • For low porosity hair your best friend will be chaaaaaleur!

The idea is to open your scales as much as possible so that they can absorb the treatment that you will apply to your hair.

To do this, after applying your mask, wrap your hair in cellophane paper which will retain heat.

Little extra: Add a hot towel on top and your hair will feel like you're in a sauna?

  • For the lucky ones with medium porosity ,

Continue to moisturize your hair as you usually do without damaging it!

  • For hair with high porosity , the idea will be to close the scales after your hair has received the care that suits it!

After your mask and each of your shampoos ,

Never miss the obligatory jet of cold water which will seal your scales!

And for maximum effect, your best friends will be lemon or cider vinegar .

- In 1L of water dilute 1 lemon


- 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar diluted in 1L of water

You can alternate and pour this mixture at the end of your shampoo .

You now have all our little tips to give your hair the porosity it deserves!

Don't forget that to purify your hair from the inside out, a detox treatment is necessary!

With Resolution N°2 detox tea, your hair will be ready for all your treatments!

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