Idées coiffures

7 techniques for curling your hair without heat

 7 techniques pour boucler ses cheveux sans chaleur
Last week, we saw together how many times a week you should wash your hair . Today, the team offers you the next step in your hair routine : style it with style! ?‍♀️ Well yes, here we give you tutorials, certainly, but stylish tutorials!! Have you ever dreamed of having beautiful Hollywood curls like Jessica Alba, Beyoncé or Angelina Jolie?

In the end it's not that complicated, you'll see. You can make your best curls without heat with ease! PS: this article is suitable for every hair type because yes, at Madame la Présidente , we don't leave anyone aside!

Thanks to heat-free curls, you will be able to regain volume. However, even with great curls without heat, the lack of volume may still be present. To take care of it? Take advantage of the New Year holidays to shop for the food supplements you need like RESOLUTION N°1 from Madame la Présidente.

We all know that heat is not our hair's best friend. In fact, using the hairdryer too often does not remove the water present on the surface of our head; the heat makes the hair scales drier. Result ? Your mane is weakened and/or damaged. Sometimes using excessive heat can cause hair loss . To avoid this, you must feed them well with a well-adapted in and out routine .

To have perfectly nourished and strengthened hair, we have the solution:our range of anti-hair loss treatments. Adapted to each type of hair, from the smoothest to the frizziest, you will definitely find what you are looking for. Enriched with cinnamon , ginko biloba and kigelia , Capillum Fortis ❤️ will be your best ally to strengthen your hair.

But back to our topic, let's talk about curls without heat ! As you probably know, there are several techniques . Overview of seven of them: from the simplest to the most wow!

Heatless Curl Technique Number 1: Braids

And yes, you may have forgotten this good old technique. With this tip everyone can make curls without heat. To do this, it's quite simple: like Wednesday Adams, you're going to part your hair in two with a part in the middle. Then you can start braiding with the technique you want.

French, German, wheat ears or glued braids, it's whatever you prefer. In fact no it's not as you prefer but as you can! The key is to tighten it well when you braid . In fact, the tighter the braids are, the more they will hold and form pretty curls without heat/waves . Madame la Présidente little tip: wet and detangle your hair well before braiding it , the result will only be better. To achieve this hairstyle (and all the others for that matter...), we recommend our spray and our Madam President hairbrush .

heatless curls

Technique number 2, curlers:

This will probably surprise you, but hair curlers are very effective. Yes, the techniques that our grandmothers used are now brought up to date. Again, wet and detangle your hair before styling . If you didn't know, it's one of the techniques that damages the hair the least and gives the densest and most voluminous curls . Regarding the type of curlers , it's up to you. It all depends on the result you want. There are several types: tulle curlers , Velcro curlers , foam curlers , flexirods and even curlformers . Just know that the smaller the curlers , the tighter the curls will be and vice versa. If you select large size curlers , you will have looser curls . Be careful, for very long hair , the Madame la Présidente team still advises you to use curlers with large clibs because they will be much easier to roll up. Most ? It's about leaving your hairstyle on for a few hours or all night so that your curls can set as best they can without heat . To finish in style, apply My Curl Definer , our treatment for beautiful, bouncy and defined curls . A must-have for perfecting your hairstyle .

heatless curls

3rd technique, the twist out:

The term “ twist ” in English means to turn. In the French language a twist is a vanilla . The latter refers to the act of winding two strands of textured hair together to form a two-strand braid . When we talk about twist out , we are talking here about undoing your vanillas and keeping the spirals they form without styling them too much.

heatless curls

4th technique, the blindfold:

Back to 2012, where this famous headband was very fashionable. For this hairstyle it's more than simple, it's super simple! Place the headband in the middle of your hair above your ears and twist a strand into the headband . Then add a strand in the headband each time. Are you struggling with this hairstyle? Here is a little tutorial made by @MarionBlus here .

heatless curls

5th braids out technique:

The concept is once again rather simple. All you have to do is make braids all over your head, sleep with them, then undo them the next morning so that your hair keeps the shape of the hairstyle. It is a hairstyle that disciplines the most rebellious hair , while giving it volume . Nice and pretty quick!

heatless curls

6th technique: Tiktok pudding

You have probably already seen this technique used on the networks and in particular on Tiktok . The principle once again, is very simple! ?

Start by dampening your hair , still with our spray (PSSHHIT) Madame la Presidente, then brush your hair . Then, take a pudding (there are already ready-made kits) or opt for your bathrobe belt. It will do the job very well too. After separate your hair with a parting in the middle then place your belt or your sausage in the center of your head. This is where the magic happens. It's a bit the same principle as the headband from earlier. Finally, roll your locks outwards and add an additional lock with each pass. But as they say “a picture (well in this case we offer you a video) is worth more than a thousand words so here is a little tutorial made by the beautiful @iamm_mae.e.

heatless curls

7th wash and go technique:

Literally, wash and go means “wash and go” in French . Hairdressing technique which allows curly, frizzy , but especially frizzy hair to define pretty curls without heat on wet hair and to keep them for a long time. Here you carry out your usual hair routine , then you squeeze out and dry your hair with ourmicro-fiber towel , DRY ME . Then, you apply your leave-in and My Curl Definer . To create your curls , scrunch your locks . To finish defining them , use your little hands or a brush for the final finishes. If you have hydration concerns, you can add a few drops of dry oil.

heatless curls

And There you go ! It's already the end! It was too short ? Don't worry, a new article is published every week on Madame la Présidente MAG . So we hope you liked this article and that you found some good tips for curling your hair without heat . Don't hesitate to reproduce the techniques mentioned above and share them with us on our social networks: Instagram , Tiktok or Facebook . You can also follow so you don't miss any news from Madame la Présidente !
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