The hectic daily life that many of us lead can sometimes leave unexpected marks, and one of them, often overlooked, is hair loss. "I was under a lot of stress a few days ago, since then I have been losing a lot of hair, whether it is on my brush or on the floor. What should I do?" This question, frequently asked by hairdressers, pharmacists, and doctors, deserves further exploration to understand the undeniable link between emotional stress and hair loss .
Reactive hair loss: the mechanisms of stress on hair health
Emotional stress is not just a psychological reaction, it has significant physiological repercussions, including on the hair growth cycle . A hair follows a well-defined life cycle, called the hair cycle.

However, when a person loses more than 100 hairs per day, it may be a sign of alopecia , an abnormal hair loss . Stress-induced hair loss, also known as reactive alopecia , is characterized by sudden, massive hair loss.

The complex process of the hair cycle is disrupted by stress, leading to accelerated hair loss. Understanding these mechanisms is crucial to better address the prevention and treatment of stress-related hair loss. In this article, we will explore these often underestimated links in detail.
Recognizing reactive hair loss and its signs
Losing 40 to 80 hairs per day is considered normal, part of the natural life cycle of hair. However, when this loss becomes excessive, and you find your hair on your pillow, hairbrush or in the shower, it is time to question the possibility of reactive alopecia . The amount of hair lost and the different thinning areas on the scalp are important indicators to confirm this diagnosis.
Early recognition of the signs of reactive hair loss is essential to intervene quickly and limit the effects. People facing this often stressful situation must be aware of the physical signs indicating abnormal hair loss.
Triggers of reactive hair loss
Reactive alopecia can be triggered by various events, including intense emotional stress, pregnancy, seasonal changes, fatigue, physical or psychological trauma, weight loss, diet, nutritional deficiency, surgery, illness, or certain drug treatments. The list is long...but the variety of triggers highlights the complexity of this hair reaction even if stress often comes back as the first "cause".

Triggers for reactive hair loss vary from person to person, but their impact on hair health is universal. Understanding these specific triggers allows for a more targeted approach to preventing and treating stress-related hair loss.
The evolution of reactive hair loss and its impact on the person
When reactive hair loss occurs suddenly and abruptly, it can cause significant anxiety for the person affected. The hair falls out in clumps, creating an additional psychological impact. It usually occurs 2 to 3 months after the triggering event. Although the hair loss naturally decreases over the weeks, sometimes it persists for longer without treatment. Stress continues to skyrocket.
Combating stress-related hair loss
Intervening quickly and effectively is crucial to slowing the reactive hair loss . A complete treatment involves several things: protecting the scalp from stress, stimulating microcirculation for better nutrition of the hair bulbs, providing a source of energy to restart growth, soothing inflammation caused by intense stress.
To effectively combat this hair loss, we have formulated many products to stop hair loss , stimulate growth and strengthen hair . From the Resolution No. 1 or Hairboost food supplement to a complete routine with our Resolution No. 3 Serum, My Anti-Hair Loss Serum, Resolution No. 5, My Anti-Hair Loss Shampoo, suitable for all hair types.
IN products allow you to treat your reactive alopecia from the inside by providing you with vitamins and minerals to stop hair loss, stimulate growth, and give volume and density to your hair. Our OUT products will act directly on your scalp.
Understanding and recognizing the link between emotional stress and hair loss is essential to adopting preventive and curative strategies. Reactive hair loss is a normal reaction of the body to various stresses, but acting quickly with appropriate care can promote healthy hair regrowth. Taking care of the health of your hair must become a priority...or almost!