Do you have fine hair and tend to say that it is “strappy” (to stay polished)? In this case, this article is for you! If you find that the volume of your fine hair leaves something to be desired, let us help you put some pep back into your hair and some sparkle into your life. Let's go !
Focus on fine hair: what is fine hair?
Fine hair is fragile by nature, because it is much less thick than thick hair. As a result, they often look saggy and bulky. They are soft, not really elastic and very brittle. Another particularity of fine hair: it is easily electric! Giving them volume is sometimes impossible and they even tend to get greasy quickly. And to top it all off (as if all that wasn't enough already!), they split ends faster than normal hair due to their sharper ends.
Where does thin hair come from?
But who is to blame? Simply to your DNA! Hair diameter is a matter of genetics. Fine hair is typically 50 to 60 micrometers in diameter, instead of the 70 micrometer of normal hair, and that makes a real difference. This particularity certainly makes them more fragile, but they are not “sick” however. In addition, harsh treatments, improper care, nutrient deficiencies and bad habits can make the situation worse. Women who have fine hair with good volume have simply adopted the right care routines and actions appropriate to the nature of their hair. This could also be the case for you! We'll come back to that.
So, if it is indeed the fault of our DNA, we must accept the idea that the nature of our hair cannot change. It may eventually change over the years (generally every seven years, the average lifespan of a hair) and throughout the year.
How to naturally gain volume and give fine hair volume?
We have listed the best tips and tricks for adding volume to your fine hair in a natural way that respects the hair fiber. Please note, however, that the tips that follow are also effective on thicker hair to which you want to restore volume. This concerns curly, frizzy, curly, straight hair... In short, all! So, go for it!
Shampoos and rinses: adopt good habits
Always use natural and gentle shampoos that do not damage the hair. They must of course be adapted to the condition of your hair: oily, dry, dull, brittle, etc. Natural ingredients will be your best allies. Space them out by a minimum of one or two days (we can't repeat it enough, one shampoo per week max is ideal), and use dry shampoo between two cleansing shampoos if you don't last that long (strength and courage) . For rinsing, use homemade rinse water, or lukewarm/cold water for fine hair. This helps tighten the hair scales and strengthen them. For treatments, avoid those that contain silicone or fatty substances and prefer light products.
Nourish and moisturize your dry hair
Regarding care, you should favor hydration treatments which will help fine hair gain volume, in addition to maintaining its health. To nourish the hair, food supplements rich in vitamins and minerals are an excellent avenue to explore. Madame la Présidente offers you her food supplement Resolution N°1 growth and volume , which is perfectly suited to fine hair. It will give them strength and vitality by nourishing them deeply! We also offer gummies suitable for all hair types such as Hair Boost , which targets growth and stops hair loss.
You can also focus on foods that will strengthen your hair and provide it with the nutrients it needs, namely zinc , iron , proteins and vitamins B6 and B12 . Taking care of your plate also means taking care of your hair (as surprising as it may seem).
Choose cuts and hairstyles adapted to the nature of your hair
Each hair type has its own cuts and hairstyles! For fine hair, the cuts that are best suited are short and mid-length: plunging squares, mid-length wavy… For hairstyles, we opt for the unstructured bun, the braid, the ponytail… In sum , all the cuts which will avoid this detestable flattened effect. Don't hesitate to experiment and test new cuts and hairstyles: ask your hairdresser for advice. For even more trickery, you can backcomb your hair before styling it, but this technique must remain occasional, because it damages the hair fiber by opening the scales.
Bad habits to ban when you have fine hair
What bad habits should you give up right now?
- Showers that are too hot affect fine hair, which is more fragile than others. Always use lukewarm or cold water to wash and rinse your hair.
- Remove care: like other hair, fine hair needs hydration and will not weigh down if you provide it with care.
- Washing your hair every day: big mistake! When they are too frequent, shampoos attack the scalp. This then secretes more sebum. Ideally, we wash our hair 1 to 2 times a week. And if, in the meantime, your hair is too oily, use a dry shampoo!
- Multiply coloring: chemical coloring attacks the hair, making it even more fragile and brittle. Clearly, your fine hair doesn't need this. Ultimately, you can favor non-uniform and natural colorings to create a relief effect: long live henna.
- Use a hairdryer to give them volume. For fine hair, air drying is ideal. When they are almost dry, you can use the cool air from the hair dryer, head upside down and blow sweeping the roots in circular motions to give them some volume.
Our DIY volume for fine hair
Here are some recipes that we have selected for the health and beauty of your fine hair. You're worth it !
Clay to add volume to fine hair
For this first recipe, you will have the choice between rhassoul and white, pink or green clay! How to choose ? Depending on the nature of your hair! Green clay is intended for oily hair, while pink and white clay are suitable for dry or normal hair.
Here, there are no real quantities to respect. Mix your clay or rhassoul with a little water to obtain a homogeneous paste that is easy to apply, but which holds relatively well to the hair. Leave for a few minutes before rinsing or shampooing. Tip #1: you can add essential or vegetable oils that match the nature of your hair in this treatment. Tip #2: Use a wooden bowl and spoon to mix your ingredients. We never use metal with clays, because it denatures them.
Volume and shine spray for fine hair
This recipe will allow you to create a volume and shine spray to use as soon as the need arises. The result is ephemeral: you can use it to give some pep to your hairstyle at the office or in the evening, as soon as your hair starts to act! For this DIY recipe, you will need a small spray bottle and:
- A teaspoon of vegetable oil of your choice;
- A teaspoon of coarse salt;
- 40 milliliters of hot water;
- Two teaspoons of aloe vera gel;
- Four drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.
Start by mixing boiling water and oil, then add aloe vera. Mix, add the coarse salt and the drops of ylang-ylang essential oil. Finally, mix everything well before adding it to your small bottle. Go ahead, splutter!
An oat milk mask to obtain more volume
Oats are a health food par excellence, and we don't just use them in morning porridge. It will be ideal for providing volume to fine hair. You can use store-bought oat milk or make it yourself with oatmeal, water and a blender. For this recipe, simply put oatmeal and water in a blender and blend. In a saucepan, soak the oat flakes overnight in water, rinse them and cook them over low heat. For your mask, you will need:
- A tablespoon of organic coconut vegetable oil;
- One to two drops of organic lemongrass essential oil;
- Rhassoul powder;
- Oat milk.
Mix your vegetable and essential oils and add them to your rhassoul powder. Then, by adjusting the quantities of rhassoul powder and oat milk, create a uniform and homogeneous paste which you then apply as a mask to your damp hair. Leave for ten minutes, rinse then do your usual shampoo. Guaranteed volume!

There you have it, you have all the keys in hand to give volume to your fine hair naturally! And you, what is your routine for fine hair?