Covid-19, it's time to have your hair in tip-top shape!
Objective: combat the stress of confinement

A few days ago, the announcement of a confinement period lasting several weeks paralyzed us all and made us anxious. Beyond the health aspect and all the measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 , the question that came up most often was how to keep busy, maintain social ties, get organized, find a pace to avoid boredom and depression.
On social networks, notably Tik Tok and Instagram , ideas are flowing for entertainment and fun, such as #paperchallenge and #ohnananachallenge .
With the whole team, we thought we would share with you our tips for taking care of your hair during this period of confinement linked to Covid-19. For what ? Because taking care of yourself allows you to keep your spirits up and have self-confidence .
Let's not forget, after this period of confinement , life will resume. Let's take advantage of this to prepare to be at the top of our beauty.
1. Take vegetable oil baths
Vegetable oils are our beauty allies. They can be used daily on the entire body (face, body and hair). They are therefore essential, but they still need to be used well.
On the hair side, the properties of vegetable oils are numerous. They help repair the hair fiber , protect the scalp and the hair fiber, fight against hair loss and promote growth. Be careful not to overuse it though.
Here are some tips for using vegetable oils in an oil bath (before your shampoo):
- Warm 5 to 10 tablespoons of one or more vegetable oils.
- Apply to dry or damp hair on the lengths and ends. If you want to fight against hair loss, also apply to the scalp.
- Leave for 1 hour and shampoo.
Choose vegetable oils according to your hair problems and your hair type. If your hair is curly, frizzy, avocado oil is perfect. If your hair is rather straight and fine, opt for jojoba oil . In case of hair loss, choose anti-hair loss oils such as castor oil . Mixed with sesame oil , the latter will be easier to apply.
2. Do a sebum treatment
Does the sebum cure mean something to you? It's a fashionable hair ritual for several years, which consists of banishing the use of shampoo for 1 month. The goal is to help sebum production self-regulate in order to keep hair healthy and healthy.
Why do it at this time? Because the hair is no longer in contact with the outside air, pollution, sweat or other aggression which could make the hair dirty. What's more, even if you pass someone while going shopping, no one will notice from 1m away that your hair is greasy/.
Please note, not washing your hair does not imply not taking care of it. The sebum treatment will only be effective if you respect this strict rule: do not apply anything to your hair and brush it every day. Brushing will allow the sebum to flow along the hair fiber. The ideal is to use a boar bristle brush, rather than plastic.
What are the results ? According to some fans, the sebum treatment would promote hair growth , fight against hair loss , and have more volume and shine.
3. Relax with scalp massages.
Massaging your scalp helps stimulate blood microcirculation in the hair bulb, in order to promote blood irrigation and better nourish your bulb, which will give rise to stronger, healthier hair.
What actions should you take? Scalp massage is a simple, non-aggressive gesture. This is not about rubbing your scalp or scratching it.
Place the pads of your fingers on your scalp . Without lifting your fingers, make circular movements. As you go, move your fingers on either side of the head and repeat the circular movements again without lifting your fingers.
2 minutes of massage per day are enough to restore healthy hair, while promoting growth.
4. Moisturize your hair
When you have curly , frizzy , frizzy hair, it tends to be dry and dehydrated. It is therefore important to provide them with a little hydration every day.
You can vary the pleasures and moisturizing hair care thanks to:
- a moisturizing spray composed of mineral water and glycerin (95% water and 5% glycerin). Apply to dry or wet hair daily
- masks based on honey, aloe vera gel, vegetable milk. These natural ingredients are powerful moisturizers. Use 1 to 2 times a week if your hair is very dry and dull
Hair hydration also comes from the inside. Remember to hydrate yourself throughout the day. Vary the pleasures by drinking herbal teas, tea, fruit juices, detox waters.
Attention tea lovers. Our Resolution N°2 detox tea will delight your taste buds! It is made with a delicious blend of green tea, peppermint, apple pieces, goji berries, elderflowers, rose petals.
All these plants are renowned for their benefits on hair: a 28-day treatment will strengthen your hair fiber and cleanse your scalp.
5. Do sport and stock up on vitamins during Covid-19 confinement
Staying at home can quickly lead to bad habits. We spend more time lying down, sitting, we walk a lot less and if we. As a result, we can feel more tired than when we go out every day to go to school or work. It is therefore important to maintain daily physical activity as well as a good diet .
Here are the fitness and healthy accounts that we advise you to follow, in order to stay in shape and eat healthily :)
Soso's wardrobe
There are also sites that offer free yoga classes. For gentler activities, we recommend meditation .
And if you want to boost your hair capital, we advise you to take our food supplements rich in vitamins, minerals and plants.
If you are looking for maximum effects, we recommend Resolution No. 1 . If you have a sweet tooth, opt for Hair boost , our low-calorie vitamin gummies.
Don't hesitate to share your tips with us to get through this period of confinement as best as possible, and above all, take care of yourself and your loved ones!