Yes, for a few days, we have been confined again. No more raclettes with friends... Hello relaxation, free time and cocooning ! We can never say it enough: taking care of yourself is good for your morale. So put on your most comfortable pajamas, slip under a blanket with a hot drink and enjoy this item. Madame la Présidente shares her secrets with you: 5 ways to take care of your hair during confinement!

Nourish your hair from the inside
We tell you it often and we repeat it to you: the beauty of hair requires, above all, good nutrition and good hydration! Yes, confinement does not mean relaxation. “Eat healthily”: this advice may seem like a repetition, but it is essential! Choose vegetables and dried fruits, full of vitamins and minerals which will strengthen your hair. Shine is yours!
Don't panic, in these special times, you can also indulge in a pizza or a cake, your hair will forgive you... And your morale will thank you!
When it comes to hydration, there's no secret: drink plenty of water, vary the pleasures with tea, and that's it!

Increase the number of moisturizing and nourishing treatments for your hair
During confinement, taking care of your hair also means using your free time to use more masks and thus treat it in depth. Sheathing , moisturizing , nourishing , anti-dandruff treatment ... Do up to two per week without worrying about the time it will take: you are at home. Call your clients while leaving a clay mask on your hair… Why not? You will find lots of recipes on our Instagram feed ! Don’t hesitate to turn to oil baths either .
Better ! Since you have plenty of time, extend the application time and wrap your hair with a towel, to retain heat and thus optimize the benefits of the treatment. Who would have thought that confinement would make hair care so easy?

Space out shampoos
Washing your hair too regularly is aggressive for the hair fiber and the scalp. But it is complicated to space out shampoos when going to work. Who wants to go to the office with greasy hair?
Confinement offers you a great opportunity: accept that your hair is not perfect and let more time pass between two shampoos. The hair is no longer in contact with outside air, pollution, sweat or other aggression which could make it dirty. This is an ideal time to let them get used to less regular washing... Enjoy a week of peace and quiet! And for the most motivated, you can even opt for a sebum treatment, as we suggested in our first advice article for special hair care confinement !
Leave your hair down
Tying your hair too regularly prevents it from breathing and even weakens the hair fiber. If you sometimes prefer to tie it up to go out, it's good to take advantage of confinement to take care of your hair... By doing nothing!
It's not about not doing your hair, just not tying it up! Brush them and leave them free to absorb light and oxygen. A real breath of fresh air for your head! If you want to discipline them, opt for wide pliers, which will clear your face without suffocating them.

Relax and take time for yourself
You know, stress is bad for the body, and hair is no exception. So take some time for yourself: relax, do activities you enjoy or discover new ones! Whether you prefer sports or video games, books or series, gardening or cooking, sewing or painting, you will inevitably find something to do to pass the time and relax. And if you feel sluggish, don't hesitate to call friends and make video calls: reassurance guaranteed.

To complete your pampering routine, Madame la Présidente Resolution No. 2 detox tea is here: it will cleanse and strengthen your hair... During this confinement, take care of your hair without doing anything!
Finally, you can go to great measures and combine these tips with a treatment of Resolution N°1 or Hair Boost in order to stimulate the growth of your hair and slow down its loss. And because Madame la Présidente forgets no one, you can also turn to Monsieur if you are a man, Mama if you are pregnant or breastfeeding or Cheveux Magiques for children from 4 years old.