Hair loss and alopecia: what are the causes of this problem and how to treat it?
Hair loss, hole in the scalp, so many inconveniences that can interfere with our daily lives. In the following, we will tell you about alopecia, this disease which causes large numbers of hair loss. It can be chronic or acute and can result from a large number of diseases and deficiencies. What are the causes of alopecia? Are there treatments to combat this disease? How to prevent alopecia? Find out the answers to your questions right here.

What exactly is alopecia?
Alopecia can result in hair loss forming circular baldness on the scalp. Did you know that alopecia is an autoimmune disease , meaning that it results from a disruption in your immune system? In fact, your immune system attacks your hair follicles, subsequently causing the hair attached to them to fall out . Although the hair falls out, giving way to baldness, it must be believed that the hair follicles responsible for hair growth are only very rarely destroyed. This will allow your hair to grow back. Note, however, that the more important the attacked part, the more hair loss will also be.
Can vitamin D deficiency cause alopecia?
Studies have shown that people with certain autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis or rheumatoid arthritis, are deficient in vitamin D. Since alopecia is an autoimmune disease, scientists have looked at levels of the vitamin D in people with this disease. Some people do have a vitamin D deficiency, but others do not. However, it must be recognized that a lack of vitamins can cause hair loss , which can subsequently lead to alopecia.
Who are the people most prone to alopecia?
Alopecia can affect both men and women. While anyone can get this disease, some people have a higher risk of developing it. Alopecia is hereditary, so if someone in your family has it, it's very likely that you have it. It is estimated that around 10 to 20% of people with alopecia have a family member who has it. As many people try to hide hair loss, this percentage may be higher.
Besides this, people suffering from chronic illnesses such as asthma, hay fever, atopic dermatitis, thyroid disease, vitiligo or Down syndrome are more likely to suffer from alopecia .
People with cancer who have received medical treatment with nivolumab can also develop this disease. This is because this medication is used to treat cancer and melanoma that has spread. Hair loss usually begins a few months after starting treatment. This is called nivolumab-induced alopecia, and hair loss is considered a good sign. This type of hair breakage usually means the medication is working.

Other causes of alopecia you should know about
Stress , anxiety , insomnia , deficiency and lack of nutrients can also promote alopecia. A poor lifestyle can therefore cause this hair loss, however significant it may be. It must be recognized that a good environment is conducive to good hair health, just like a good diet. So, if you want to remedy a problem linked to hair loss leading to a bald head, you will need to think about balancing your diet and adopting a healthy lifestyle at the same time.
At what age can you develop alopecia?
Alopecia can appear at any age, but most people develop it before the age of 30. For many, the disease begins during childhood or adolescence. As an autoimmune disease, alopecia cannot be cured, but it can be reduced and it is possible to regrow hair by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Because alopecia cannot be cured, people who experience regrowth may experience further hair loss later. Some people experience cycles of hair loss and regrowth. If your hair doesn't grow back on its own, treatments can help you get new growth.
How to treat alopecia?
There are effective solutions to slow or stop hair loss. If you have wondered how to treat this type of problem, here are some effective solutions that you can adopt in addition to your doctor's prescriptions if the cause of your hair loss is linked to an illness.
Use fewer products with chemical components
The main reason that causes hair loss is excessive use of products containing chemical components such as hairsprays, gels, dry shampoos or even coloring. These products make hair loss worse if you already have hair problems such as alopecia.
Opt for gentle paraben-free shampoos
A gentle shampoo that does not contain parabens is certainly the best option to combat hair loss. Choose shampoos made from natural products such as jojoba oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, aloe vera and many others.
Add vitamins to your diet
Vitamins are not only good for general well-being, but also for hair. Vitamin A promotes healthy sebum production in the scalp, vitamin E improves blood circulation in the scalp to help hair follicles stay productive, and vitamin B helps maintain your hair color. You can subsequently
Resolution n°1 contains 18 vitamins, minerals and plants to stimulate the hair bulb , improve the condition of the hair , promote hair growth but also to strengthen it . It will be your ideal companion to help you deal with alopecia. A minimum treatment of 3 months is recommended for optimal results.
But be careful, if you suffer from androgenetic alopecia , we recommend that you see a doctor first. The cures will complement the treatments that the doctor may prescribe to you.

Enrich your diet with protein
Eating lean meats, fish, soy or other proteins helps promote better hair health and helps prevent hair loss. You can add food supplements containing biotin and iron for better results. Today, you can enjoy the different benefits that food supplements provide thanks to gummies , these supplements in the form of candies.
Madame la Présidente, offers different gummies for the whole family; Hairboost with targeted action on growth and stopping hair loss , Mama to support women during pregnancy and breastfeeding , Monsieur to take care of men's beards and hair .
Massage your scalp with essential oils
People who have been losing their hair for a while can massage their scalp with essential oils for a few minutes. This helps the hair follicles stay active. You can add lavender to almond or sesame oil. This routine is not only recommended if you are losing your hair, even if you have healthy hair you can give yourself 5 minutes in your day to give yourself a head massage. Perfect for relaxing and at the same time, ideal for the health of your hair!
Rub your scalp with garlic, onion or ginger juice
Rub any of these juices on your scalp, leave it on overnight and wash it off in the morning. Do it regularly for several weeks and you will see a noticeable result.
What's more, hair fiber is made up of one quarter water. Drink enough water daily to stay hydrated and promote healthy hair growth.
Consider doing daily physical activities
Make time for physical activity every day. Walking, swimming or cycling for 30 minutes a day helps balance hormonal levels, reduce stress levels and at the same time reduce hair loss.
Avoid stressful situations as much as possible
Studies conducted have found medical evidence to link stress and hair loss. De-stress; one of the ways to do this is to practice meditation for example. Alternative therapies such as meditation and yoga not only reduce stress but also restore hormonal balance.
Forget heating devices which will attack the hair fiber
Do not subject your hair to frequent and constant heating and drying procedures. Heat weakens hair proteins, and constant heating and drying can lead to weakness and brittleness that causes hair loss.
With this little information, you now know how to avoid or even limit the damage caused by alopecia and baldness. For this new year 2022, we wish you healthy hair!